Pamper Packages or Deluxe Spa Mani and Pedi in Midland
$89 $130
Save 32% ($41)
Posted 15 December 2021 5:54:19 pm
Health & Beauty
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About the Experience
What's Included
One-Hour Deluxe Facial Package
- Deluxe facial
- Neck shoulder massage, mask and aftercare
- Valid for one person
Deluxe Spa Manicure and Pedicure
- Deluxe manicure
- Deluxe pedicure
- Valid for one person
1.5-Hour Indulge Pamper Package
- 60-minute full-body massage
- 30-minute mini facial
- Valid for one person
Available Hours
- Monday - Wednesday: 9:00am-5:00pm
- Thursday: 9:00am-8:00pm
- Friday & Saturday: 9:00am-5:00pm
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