Social Pottery Classes in Burnside and Goodwood
$60 $75
Save 20% ($15)
Posted 07 December 2021 9:08:20 am
Sports & Outdoors
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About the Experience
What's Included
School Holiday Potter Session
- Clay, colours and Australian glaze sourced locally
- Pottery materials included, please bring an apron and towel
- Different techniques covered
- Build a food-safe piece
- 2.5-hour session
- Pick up your piece 3-6 weeks after class depending on weather and drying speed. Track your piece on the website for pick-up times, the progress of your piece will be posted week by week
- Valid for one child (ages 7-18)
- Classes available in Burnside
Social Clay Pottery Hand Building Session
- Clay, colours and Australian glaze sourced locally
- Create, decorate, and colour your own piece
- Tea is included
- Valid for beginners and intermediates
- 2.5-hour session
- Pick up your piece 3-6 weeks after class depending on weather and drying speed. Track your piece on the website for pick-up times, the progress of your piece will be posted week by week
- Valid for one person (ages 7-90) or one family (two adults + two children)
- Family bookings must be confirmed via email
- Social pottery classes available in Burnside or Goodwood
Social Clay Pottery Wheel Session
- Clay, colours and Australian glaze sourced locally
- Unique session just for wheel throwing
- Learn how to prepare your clay and work on the pottery wheel. Each participant has their own wheel
- You will be able to try the tiniest wheel in the world to create a tiny pottery piece
- Tea is included
- Valid for beginners and intermediates
- 2.5-hour session
- Pick up your piece up to one month after class depending on weather and drying speed. Track your piece on the website for pick-up times, the progress of your piece will be posted week by week
- Valid for one person (ages 7-90) or one family (two adults + two children)
- Family bookings must be confirmed via email
- Social pottery classes available in Burnside or Goodwood
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