Elegant A La Carte Dining Experience with Wine Pairing in Castle Hill
$119 $136
Save 13% ($17)
Posted 08 December 2021 2:49:25 pm
Dining & Restaurant
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About the Experience
Dine in style at Nobles Restaurant & Bar that boast a delicious A La Carte menu that will make you feel like royalty. The menu includes entrees such as beef fat potato pave, soured cream, chives followed by mains such as Grass-Fed scotch fillet (350G), seaweed butter and top it off with a dessert-like Caramelized banana parfait, butterscotch all paired with a glass of wine! Dress in smart casual attire and you'll have an evening of sophistication!
What's Included
- Entree
- Main
- Dessert
- Each course is accompanied and matched with a premium glass of wine
- Valid for one person
- Available sittings: Monday - Thursday: 6:00pm onwards
- Valid from 7 December
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