Cosmos: Infinity (online Card Game) Is Hosting A $100+ Tournament To Help In Its Alpha Testing!
Associated BiggerWorlds
Posted 21 January 2022 6:08:13 pm
Ended 24 January 2022 11:59:00 pm
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Cosmos: Infinity is hosting a $100 prize on its server to help Alpha test! Starting on Saturday, but late joiners are accepted!
Cosmos: Infinity is a free online trading card game with every card unlocked from the start! Build your decks immediately with no P2W or Play2Win!
Not many people have joined yet so you are almost guaranteed a prize!
Get the game here:
1st Prize: $100 AUD tradable gift voucher for
2nd-4th Prize: $20 AUD tradable gift voucher for
Per-Match victory Prize: 400 Essence.
Per-Match Participation Prize: 200 Essence.
Tournament starts on the 22/01/2022, Saturday. Matches are twice-weekly, with 4 matches over the two weeks + a finals depending on the number of participants.
How to join:
Just type in the events chat: “Join ” and you are in!
Your discord will be added to the “Tournament Players” role where you will get @ mentions for matchups and information.
I joined, now what?
Prepare! Do the tutorial, play a few of the challenges, design a deck and try it against the AI. When you have something you want to try against other players, message in the general chat.
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Cosmos: | Infinity | (online | card | game) | is | hosting | a | $100+ | tournament | to | help | in | its | alpha | testing!
Cosmos: Infinity | Cosmos: Infinity (online | Cosmos: Infinity (online card
Infinity (online | Infinity (online card | Infinity (online card game)
(online card | (online card game) | (online card game) is
card game) | card game) is | card game) is hosting
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