2.5-Hour Rainforest Cruise with Local Seafood Tasting Plate
Posted 07 December 2021 3:33:59 pm
Sports & Outdoors
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About the Experience
What's Included
- 2.5-hour cruise on the Tweed River and the scenic Rous River
- See mountain views, Wollumbin Mount Warning volcano and more
- Seafood platter per person including Balmain bugs, king prawns, oysters with a wedge of lemon and dipping sauce
- Bottled water per person
- Valid for one senior (ages 70+), or one adult (ages 13-69) or one child (ages 5-12)
- Available: Wednesday, Saturday & Sunday: 10:30am-1:00pm (other days available pending demand)
- Depart from: Pontoon opposite the House of Gabriel at 106 Riverside Dr, Tumbulgum 2490
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2.5-Hour | Rainforest | Cruise | with | Local | Seafood | Tasting | Plate
2.5-Hour Rainforest | 2.5-Hour Rainforest Cruise | 2.5-Hour Rainforest Cruise with
Rainforest Cruise | Rainforest Cruise with | Rainforest Cruise with Local
Cruise with | Cruise with Local | Cruise with Local Seafood
with Local | with Local Seafood | with Local Seafood Tasting
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