Intro or Comp 4X4 Vehicle Experience Packages in Lara
Posted 02 December 2021 4:07:21 pm
Sports & Outdoors
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About the Experience
What's Included
Intro Package
- Approximately 45 minutes in the 4×4
- Driver Briefing: Pro driver explains the ins and outs of their custom built 4×4 buggies
- Drive two different courses and get one passenger lap
- Take two passengers FREE (one each track)
- Allow 45-70 minutes for this experience. Times may vary depending on group size and track conditions
- Valid for weekend or weekday session
- Valid for one person
Comp Package
- Approximately 60 minutes in the 4×4
- Driver Briefing: Pro driver explains the ins and outs of their custom built Extreme 4×4 buggies
- Drive three different courses and get one passenger lap
- Take three passengers FREE (one each track)
- Allow 60-90 minutes for this experience. Times may vary depending on group size and track conditions
- Valid for weekend or weekday session
- Valid for one person
Available Hours
- Weekday sessions: Monday, Thursday & Friday: 11:30am-5:30pm, Weekend sessions: Saturday - Sunday: 9:00am-4:30pm
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