Mirabella Globe Halogen Dimmable Downlight Warm White Gu5.3 12V 35 Watts
Posted 29 January 2022 5:20:20 pm
Home & Garden
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Light up your space with the Mirabella globe halogen dimmable downlight warm white. GU5.3 base. Warm white 3000K. Glass cover suitable for use in steamy places like bathrooms. We will beat or match any online advertised price !
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Mirabella | Globe | Halogen | Dimmable | Downlight | Warm | White | Gu5.3 | 12V | 35 | Watts
Mirabella Globe | Mirabella Globe Halogen | Mirabella Globe Halogen Dimmable
Globe Halogen | Globe Halogen Dimmable | Globe Halogen Dimmable Downlight
Halogen Dimmable | Halogen Dimmable Downlight | Halogen Dimmable Downlight Warm
Dimmable Downlight | Dimmable Downlight Warm | Dimmable Downlight Warm White
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