House-Made Cake or Sausage Roll and Coffee in Exeter
$6 $9.50
Save 37% ($3.50)
Posted 01 February 2022 4:48:11 pm
Dining & Restaurant
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About the Experience
We are pawsitive you'll love Cafe One Seventy - a Semaphore favourite with an atmosphere that's laid-back and welcoming to its patrons with two and four legs alike! Stop by for a takeaway slice of cake or sausage roll when you're feeling peckish that comes with your choice of coffee, hot choccie, or a puppaccino for your pooch!
What's Included
- Slice of house-made cake or sausage roll
- Regular coffee, hot chocolate or a Puppaccino
- Valid for takeaway only
- Valid for one or two people
- Available hours: Monday - Friday: 7:00am-2:00pm
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or Sausage | or Sausage Roll | or Sausage Roll and
Sausage Roll | Sausage Roll and | Sausage Roll and Coffee
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