Spooky Two-Hour Toowong Cemetery Ghost Tours
Posted 04 February 2022 2:41:57 pm
Sports & Outdoors
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About the Experience
Feel like uncovering something from the past of a spooky nature? Check out these experiences from the longest-running ghost tour operator in Australia! You'll be exploring Toowong cemetery by torchlight with your guide who will take you through all the horrors and shocking mysteries of the renowned haunted spot. Dig a little deeper into the past with the Other Side tour to uncover even more history - if you dare!
What's Included
- Two-hour historical tour
- Choose 'The Original' or 'The Other Side' experience
- See tour descriptions below!
- Experienced guide
- Valid for one adult (ages 18+), one teenager (ages 10-17) or one concession (seniors, pensioners and university students)
- Available hours: Saturday: 7:30pm-9:30pm
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Spooky Two-Hour | Spooky Two-Hour Toowong | Spooky Two-Hour Toowong Cemetery
Two-Hour Toowong | Two-Hour Toowong Cemetery | Two-Hour Toowong Cemetery Ghost
Toowong Cemetery | Toowong Cemetery Ghost | Toowong Cemetery Ghost Tours
Cemetery Ghost | Cemetery Ghost Tours
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