Toshiba N300, 3.5" 8TB 7200rpm 256MB, HDWG180UZSVA, 8 TB -
$238.59 $284.98
Save 16% ($46.39)
Posted 29 January 2022 3:05:56 pm
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Deal history
$46.39 drop after 2 months 29 January 2022: $238.59
Expired 15 November 2021: $284.98
Price history
3.5" SATA Hard Drive 7200 rpm
128/256/512 MB buffer
24/7 operation
High reliability and enhanced real-time performance
Toshiba Dynamic Cache Technology
Toshiba Stable Platter Technology
High-endurance design
Error recovery control
Temperature control
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Toshiba | N300 | 3.5" | 8TB | 7200rpm | 256MB | HDWG180UZSVA | 8 | TB |
Toshiba N300, | Toshiba N300, 3.5" | Toshiba N300, 3.5" 8TB
N300, 3.5" | N300, 3.5" 8TB | N300, 3.5" 8TB 7200rpm
3.5" 8TB | 3.5" 8TB 7200rpm | 3.5" 8TB 7200rpm 256MB,
8TB 7200rpm | 8TB 7200rpm 256MB, | 8TB 7200rpm 256MB, HDWG180UZSVA,
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